

United States

Returns & Cancellations

Easily cancel your order before it ships or start a return after your order has been shipped.

Cancellation Policy

Before your order has shipped, you may cancel your order or remove items from your order for any reason for a full refund. Once your order has shipped, you may process a return via our Return Policy, detailed below. If you have questions about cancellations, please contact us.

Return Policy

Products purchased from nimbleimport.com can be returned within 15 days of receipt of the shipment as long as they are in the same condition as when purchased. Once we’ve received your return, we’ll process a full refund for the item, less the cost of the return shipping. Please note that shipping, duties, tax, insurance, and other fees are not refundable. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns of hazardous goods, food products, sanitary goods, intimate products, gift cards, or health and personal care products. If you have any questions about whether a product is returnable, please contact us prior to placing your order

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